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Framed In Joy, Melissa N Smith

Reject a Scarcity Mindset to Embrace Your "Yes"

coaching perspective

We often think in a scarcity framework. Whether it is in ministry, work, or friendship, we often think that if we don't say “yes” to every good opportunity that comes our way, then no more opportunities will come.

This week I talked with a writer friend who is overwhelmed by all the open doors swinging wide for her. She’s afraid to say “no” because they all seem like great opportunities that fit her gifting and serve her people. But she’s exhausted. I’ve been there.

In fact, last year I had a very fruitful first quarter in my writing and ministry life. I said “yes” to several opportunities that kept me busy, kept me writing, and produced a lot of fruit. I believe that was a God-given season of work.

Then, by the beginning of April, I was depleted and ready to rest. However, it took me a while to accept a God-given season of rest. It was a quiet I desperately needed, so I learned the gift of a grace-filled “no.”


It's tempting to believe when we are resting from work that we are getting "behind." Right? We can believe our progress is lost and beginning again is impossible. Beliefs like this make it difficult to say a grace-filled "no."

  • A scarcity mindset tells us our good investments can be lost.
  • A scarcity mindset tells us to hustle or we will be left behind.
  • A scarcity mindset pushes us to keep producing.
  • A scarcity mindset causes us to feel guilt or shame when it's time to rest.

In contrast, saying "yes" to God's timing for us means we can embrace His abundant provision. Even when we lay aside all of our labors, God is at work in us. Like a tree that is green and beautiful but not yet producing fruit, we can trust that a season of rest is necessary. It is a gift that allows us to grow deep roots, heal, settle into new ideas, hear from God, and enjoy relationships. 

In my season of rest, I spent time with my family, read books, visited with friends, jotted down ideas in a journal, and allowed space for the thoughts in my mind to settle. During that season,  I learned to trust God's abundant provision.

  • A "yes" mindset prompts belief that what God begins He completes.
  • A "yes" mindset allows for trust that the good God gives cannot be lost.
  • A "yes" mindset helps us settle into rhythms of work and rest.
  • A "yes" mindset protects us from lies about our identity.

A "yes" mindset is cultivated as we pray, seek wise counsel, and learn to trust God's guidance as we co-collaborate with Him.

Three months into my season of rest, I was ready to write again, refreshed and full of ideas. Instead of being "behind," I came back to my work with fresh eyes and joy. What God had given me to steward waited for the right time for me to pick it up. He knows my capacity and my time.

Whether you are in a time of fruitfulness or in need of deep rest, you can trust God’s provision for you in both work and rest. Which season are you in?

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