Let's Chat!

Ready to cultivate a joy-filled, intentional life?

We all want to live intentional lives. We want to pursue dreams with God. And yet, life is busy and noisy. The everyday routine leaves little room for anything else. Learn how to create space to pursue what matters most!

Call To Action

Welcome!Ā I'm Melissa.

  • Do you ever find yourself spinning your wheels?
  • You are busy but not making progress on what really matters?
  • Have you lost your joy?
  • Are you holding down the fort but really want to build a new one?
  • You have a ton of ideas but no time to pursue them?

I help women of faith shift their perspectives and find their purpose asĀ they pursue their dreams in the grind of everyday life.

With one-on-one coaching, practical articles, and online courses, I partner with women to help them pursue their dreams, cultivate joy, and gain clarity on what matters most.

Learn More!

Get a FREE resource, Refresh & Focus: A Toolkit for Creatives, and start cultivating your dream today.

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Cultivate joy with these tools:

Online courses

With these self-paced courses, you can cultivate your creativity, learn how to live with purpose, and find encouragement to pursue your dreams with God.

Learn More
1-on-1 coaching

Discover your unique design and calling! Ready for more personalized help? Let's partner together.

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Free Resources

Download and print:

  •  5 Steps to Cultivate Clarity
  • Refresh & Focus: Dream with God
  • Self-Coaching Series: 15 Questions

With a listening ear and a creative mind, Melissa is always able to provide direction and motivation for the next step.

Tonya A.

Natalie H.

Melissa is an amazing listener and encourager. Her guidance gave me the confidence I needed to move forward in a direction that feels natural for me.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Melissa asked me the questions I didn’t know how to ask myself. She dug into the “why” behind what I was doing, so that I could take practical and productive steps forward.

Marissa B.

The latest from my blog 

I am not enough! (And that's good news.)

Nov 12, 2023

Creative Design: Echoes of Eden

Nov 17, 2023

Pivot: Moving from Unmotivated to Refreshed

Mar 09, 2024

Get started with a self-paced course!

A Routine Creative Life

We all want to live intentional lives. We want to pursue dreams with God. And yet, life is busy and noisy. The everyday routine leaves little room for anything else. Learn how to create space to pursue what matters most!

Learn More

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