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5 Questions To Help You Dream Again

5 Questions To Help You Dream Again

coaching questions creative design perspective savor beauty toolkit for creatives

The everyday soil of daily life has a way of burying deep seeded dreams and desires. With the shuffle of our schedules and the noise of our day, those seeds get forgotten. Yet, in our hearts, we recognize a longing for more.

Thinking those dreams are dead and forgotten, we throw our hands in the air and move on. Who has time to cultivate a dream? Learn a new skill? Create a business? Write a book? 

However, I believe the everyday soil is where those dreams grow, quietly and secretly for a time. In due season, they will burst forth and begin to bear fruit. They aren’t dead, they are waiting. Do you hear the deep hope of that truth? Spring is coming.

So, how do we cultivate the soil of our everyday life so that our dreams can grow?

The first tool is simple. Like a till turns over the soil and prepares the ground, dreaming big begins with reflection and exploration. Below are five questions to get you started. These coaching questions are hard-won from my own life as I began to pivot into a season of greater creativity and exploration. In between errands and homeschooling, laundry and appointments, I began to lean into the stirrings of a dream. 

Did it look like a dream at the time? No. A garden starts with a pile of dirt and an idea. For me, it looked like tears and healing and messy starts. I learned, journaled, talked to friends, and occasionally wrote words I hoped to share with others one day. But, it was a start, and these questions helped move me forward in dreaming big.

  1. What activities, interests, or relationships make you come alive?
  2. Looking back at your younger self, what did she love to do?
  3. When you are closest to God, how does He choose to use you in the lives of others?
  4. If you could take a class just for fun, what would you want to learn?
  5. If you could not fail, what would you try?

Sidenote: when you begin to dream big and explore His design for you, the inner critic gets noisy. All of a sudden you can think of every reason in the world why pursuing this dream is a bad idea and you have no time or skill for it. Shut down that voice immediately! This is not the time for questions of how or when. This is a Wow-and-Wonder-of -it-all moment. It’s time for curiosity, open-heartedness, and hope. 

Take some time to pray, reflect, talk to those closest to you, and enjoy the process. Right now your dream is safely buried in the soil of your daily life and nurtured by God. Allow yourself to begin to dream big and curiously wonder what God might have for you in the next season.

Over the course of the next few weeks, stay tuned for more tools to refresh and focus on your creative design. Do you want a guide to help you along the way? Download the Refresh & Focus: Toolkit for Creatives, a 30-page resource for leaning into your creative design.

Click here to download.

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Learn to dream with God, reflect on His design for you with journal prompts, and begin to implement your calling with a priorities & goals worksheet.

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